
A fault is synonymous with an error, in that it contains a collection of notices (individual error events)

Get a fault list or fault details

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID

Returns a list of faults or a single fault for the given project with the following format:

{ "action": "runtime_error", "assignee": { "email": "westley@honeybadger.io", "id": 1, "name": "Westley" }, "comments_count": 0, "component": "pages", "created_at": "2013-01-22T16:33:22.704628Z", "environment": "development", "id": 2, "ignored": false, "klass": "RuntimeError", "last_notice_at": "2013-02-11T19:18:31.991903Z", "message": "This is a runtime error", "notices_count": 7, "project_id": 1, "resolved": false, "tags": ["internal"], "url": "https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/1/faults/2" }

The fault list can be filtered with a number of URL parameters:

Parameter Description
q A search string
created_after A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
occurred_after A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
occurred_before A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
limit Number of results to return (max and default are 25)

The fault list can be ordered with the order parameter in the URL, with the following possible values:

Value Description
recent List the errors that have most recently occurred first
frequent List the errors that have received the most notifications first

The default order is by creation time.

If the search query affects the amount of matched notices, the notices_count field may not be accurate. For those cases, we add a notices_count_in_range field to the payload which reflects the notice counts with the query applied.

Get a count of faults

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/summary

Returns a total count of all the errors for a project and counts of errors grouped by environment, resolution status, and ignored status. The counts can be filtered by these parameters:

Parameter Description
q A search string
created_after A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
occurred_after A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
occurred_before A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)

For example, to get a count of open faults in production, you would use the q parameter to filter the results:

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/summary?q=environment%3Aproduction%20-is%3Aresolved%20-is%3Aignored

Update a fault

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X PUT -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"fault":{"resolved":true}}' https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID

The following fields can be updated:

Field name Type Description
resolved boolean
ignored boolean
assignee_id integer

Delete a fault

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X DELETE https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID

Get a count of occurrences for a fault

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/occurrences

Provides the number of times errors have been encountered for a particular fault.

[ [ 1510963200, 1 ], [ 1511049600, 0 ], [ 1511136000, 0 ], [ 1511222400, 1 ], ... ]

The data can be filtered with these URL parameters:

Parameter Description
period One of "hour", "day", "week", or "month". Defaults to "hour"

Pausing and unpausing faults

You can pause notifications for a period of time or for the number of occurrences of a fault. This doesn't affect the resolved/unresolved status.

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"time":"day"}' https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/pause curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"count":100}' https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/pause

Valid values for time are "hour", "day", and "week", and valid values for count are 10, 100, and 1000.

You can clear the pause for a fault, or for all of a project's faults:

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/unpause curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/unpause

You don't need to provide a request body for the unpause endpoints. The response body will be empty, and the status code will be 200.

Bulk-resolving faults

You can mark all faults for a project as resolved using this endpoint:

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/resolve

The faults to be resolved can be filtered with the URL parameter q, which is a search string.

This endpoint returns a successful response (200) with an empty body when the request is successful.

Linking faults to existing 3rd-party issues

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"channel_id":123, "data":{"number":42}}' -X POST https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/link

This associates an existing GitHub issue, Pivotal Tracker story, etc. with a fault. Once associated, the error detail page in the UI will include a link to the associated issue. The channel_id portion of the payload can be obtained from the integrations API endpoint. The data portion of the payload varies depending on which type of integration is being referenced:


Field name type Description
number integer The issue number at the end of the issue URL: https://github.com/org/repo/issues/123


Field name type Description
id integer The issue id at the end of the issue URL: https://test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/1001
key string The issue label: HB-123
self url The issue URL: https://test.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/1001

Pivotal Tracker

Field name type Description
story_id integer The story number at the end of the story URL: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/234
project_id integer The Pivotal Tracker project ID
pivotal_url url The story URL: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/234


Field name type Description
id string The card ID, e.g. 60ca3275a482444bcaae2a8a
shortUrl url Shortened version of the card URL: https://trello.com/c/Ahu7eiy6

This endpoint is also used to update an existing link (e.g., to change the issue number for a linked GitHub issue).

Unlinking faults

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"channel_id":123}' -X POST https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/unlink

This removes the link to an associated GitHub issue, Pivotal Tracker story, etc. The channel_id portion of the payload can be obtained from the integrations API endpoint.

Get a list of notices

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/notices

Returns a list of notices for the given fault with the following format:

{ "created_at": "2013-02-11T19:18:31.123931Z", "environment": { "environment_name": "development", "hostname": "apollo.local", "project_root": { "path": "/Users/bob/code/crywolf" } }, "cookies" { ... }, "fault_id": 2, "id": "f78391e4-7789-49f0-888e-5f6c07a222f2", "url": "https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/1/faults/2/d23e5f62-747f-11e2-a65e-4f2716edc8b7" "message": "RuntimeError: This is a runtime error", "web_environment": { "CONTENT_LENGTH": "82", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_4) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.79 Safari/537.4", ... }, "request": { "action": "runtime_error", "component": "pages", "context": { "cart_id": "8EF99AFC-B4DB-4FC5-A92A-9A6F86ABD364" }, "params": { "_method": "post", "a": "1", "action": "runtime_error", "authenticity_token": "...", "b": "2", "controller": "pages" }, "session": { "_csrf_token": "...", "session_id": "..." }, "url": "http://example.com/pages/runtime_error?a=1&b=2", "user": { "email": "foo@bar.com", "id": 1 } }, "backtrace": [ { "number": "4", "file": "/Users/westley/code/crywolf/app/controllers/pages_controller.rb", "method": "runtime_error" }, ... ], "application_trace": [] }

The notice list can be filtered with these URL parameters:

Parameter Description
created_after A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
created_before A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
limit Number of results to return (max and default are 25)

The notice list is always ordered by creation time descending.

Get a list of affected users

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: https://app.honeybadger.io/v2/projects/ID/faults/ID/affected_users

Returns a list of the users who were affected by an error:

[ { "user": "bob@example.com", "count": 4 }, { "user": "ann@example.com", "count": 1 } ]

The data can be filtered with the URL parameter q, which is a search string.