Status Pages

Create and manage status pages within your accounts.

Get all status pages

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN:

Returns a list of all status pages in this account.

{ "results": [ { "id": "rMGSZB", "name": "My Awesome Status Page", "account_id": "Me3upk", "domain": "your.custom.domain", "url": "your.custom.domain", "created_at": "2022-01-29T11:26:19.120153Z", "domain_verified_at": "2022-01-29T14:02:32.570227Z", "sites": [], "check_ins": [ { "check_in_id": "XXXXXX", "display_name": "Nightly billing", "state": "reporting", "reported_at": "2022-01-29T00:00:02.523254Z" } ] }, { "id": "vWbSWr", "name": "Really Awesome Status Page", "account_id": "Me3upk", "domain": null, "url": "", "created_at": "2022-01-29T11:09:32.570227Z", "domain_verified_at": null, "sites": [ { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6537", "display_name": "Main site", "state": "up", "last_checked_at": "2022-01-29T11:09:30.982801Z" }, { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6557", "display_name": "API", "state": "up", "last_checked_at": "2022-01-29T11:04:28.675309Z" } ], "check_ins": [] } ], "links": { "self": "http://localhost:3000/v2/accounts/4bYurk/status_pages" } }

Get a single status page's details

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN:
{ "id": "vWbSWr", "name": "Really Awesome Status Page", "account_id": "Me3upk", "domain": null, "url": "", "created_at": "2022-01-29T11:09:32.570227Z", "domain_verified_at": null, "sites": [ { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6537", "display_name": "Main site", "state": "up", "last_checked_at": "2022-01-29T11:09:30.982801Z" }, { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6557", "display_name": "API", "state": "up", "last_checked_at": "2022-01-29T11:04:28.675309Z" } ], "check_ins": [] }

Create a status page

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "status_page": { "name": "Really Awesome Status Page", "domain": "your.custom.domain", "sites": [ { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6537", "display_name": "Main site" } ] } }'

You can specify these fields within the status page object:

Field name Type Description
name string The name of the status page
domain string (Optional) A custom domain for the status page. Setting this will trigger the domain DNS verification check.
sites object[] (Optional) Details of sites to add to this status page. Each object references a site in a project in this account, and must contain the site_id and an optional display_name and position. The position field is a zero-indexed integer that controls how your sites will be ordered on the status page.
check_ins object[] (Optional) Details of check-ins to add to this status page. Each object references a check-in in a project in this account, and must contain the check_in_id and an optional display_name and position. The position field is a zero-indexed integer that controls how your check-ins will be ordered on the status page.
hide_branding boolean Whether or not to hide the Honeybadger branding in the footer of the status page. Only available on the Team plan and above.
features object Additional customization options only available on the Team plan and above. Available options:
  • home_link: URL to hyperlink the status page title or logo to.
  • up_caption: The caption displayed when all checks are passing.
  • down_caption: The caption displayed when all checks are failing.
  • mixed_caption: The caption displayed when some checks are failing.
  • custom_css: Custom CSS that will be injected into the status page.

Returns a 201 Created response containing the created status page's details.

Update a status page

curl -u AUTH_TOKEN: -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "status_page": { "domain": "different.custom.domain", "sites": [ { "site_id": "7d25f58b-d1a9-49f1-b10a-ac7ee44a6537", "display_name": "Main site" } ] } }'

You can specify one or more of these fields within the status page object:

Field name Type Description
name string The name of the status page
domain string A custom domain for the status page. Changing this will trigger the domain DNS verification check.
sites object[] Details of sites to add to this status page. Each object references a site in a project in this account, and must contain the site_id and an optional display_name.
hide_branding boolean Whether or not to hide the Honeybadger branding in the footer of the status page. Only available on the Team plan and above.
features object Additional customization options only available on the Team plan and above. Available options:
  • home_link: URL to hyperlink the status page title or logo to.
  • up_caption: The caption displayed when all checks are passing.
  • down_caption: The caption displayed when all checks are failing.
  • mixed_caption: The caption displayed when some checks are failing.
  • custom_css: Custom CSS that will be injected into the status page.

Returns an empty response (204 No Content) if successful.

Delete a status page


Returns an empty response (204 No Content) if successful.