Tracking Deploys

Honeybadger can keep track of application deployments, and link errors to the version which the error occurred in. Here's a simple curl script to record a deployment:

HONEYBADGER_ENV="production" \ HONEYBADGER_REVISION="git SHA/project version" \ HONEYBADGER_API_KEY="Your project API key" \ curl -g "[environment]=$HONEYBADGER_ENV&deploy[local_username]=$USER&deploy[revision]=$HONEYBADGER_REVISION&api_key=$HONEYBADGER_API_KEY"

Be sure that the same revision is also configured in the honeybadger.js library. Read more about deploy tracking in the API docs.

If you are using our EU stack, you should use instead of for the curl command.

With Honeybadger's source map uploading plugins

If you are using Honeybadger's plugins to upload source maps, you can also configure them to send deploy notifications. Read more about each plugin's deploy notification configuration:

If you are using our EU stack, you should set deployEndpoint to when configuring the plugin.

From Netlify

If you are deploying your site to Netlify, you can notify Honeybadger of deployments via Netlify's webhooks. Go to the Deploy notifications section of the Build & deploy tab for your site settings, and choose to add an Outgoing webhook notification. Choose Deploy succeeded as the event to listen for, and use this format for your URL:

The environment that will be reported to Honeybadger defaults to the Netlify environment that was deployed, but you can override that with &environment=CUSTOM_ENV in the webhook URL, if you like.

Deploying with GitHub Actions

If your CI/CD pipeline is hosted with GitHub Actions, you can use the Honeybadger Deploy Action to notify our API about deployments.