BadgerQL guide
BadgerQL is the language you use to interact with your data stored in Insights. It was designed to enable you to enrich, shape, and combine your events so you can craft any view of your data. Quick reference docs are also available in the application via the book icon in the top-right corner of the query box.
We also provide inline hints in the query editor that show info from the quick reference docs as you type:
Functions to enrich, shape, and combine data
Functions are the core of BadgerQL. You can think of your data falling or piping through each function that you specify, getting filtered, aggregated, and so on along the way. The most common functions you will use are fields
to select fields to view, filter
to restrict what data appears in the results, and stats
to do counts, averages, and other analyses. Keep reading to learn about all the functions we offer.
You can use expand
to turn an event that has a field with array data into multiple events.
expand array_field [as alias][, ...]
With data that has a single event like {"id": 1, "charges": [700, 430, 200]}
, the following query will return three events, with id
and charge
expand charges[*]::int as charge
The fields
function enriches your results by adding extra fields. Any fields that you select or alias can be referenced in later functions, and they will be returned in the final dataset unless rewritten by later functions.
fields expr [as alias][, ...]*
Fields can be aliased with the as
clause, and unsupported characters (like spaces) can be used by using backticks.
fields user_name::str as `User name`
Aliased fields can be used in later functions:
fields concat(first_name::str, " ", last_name::str) as full_name
| filter full_name match /^Bob.*/
Internal fields
We set the following internal fields for you as the data is ingested:
Name | Type | Description |
@id | String | The event ID |
@ts | DateTime | The reported timestamp if provided as ts or timestamp ; otherwise, the time when the event was received |
@received_ts | DateTime | The time when the event was received | | String | The ID of the stream that contains the event. Each project contains at least two streams: the internal Honeybadger stream used for notices, etc., and the stream used for storing events that you send to our API. | | String | |
@query.start_at | DateTime | The timestamp of start of the range queried. E.g., when searching back 3 hours (the default), this will be three hours ago |
@query.end_at | DateTime | The timestamp of end of the range queried. E.g., for the default query, this would be the time when the query was executed, since the default query searches for data up to the time the query was sent. |
@fill | Boolean | Whether the result has filled-in values |
@preview | JSON Object | A preview of the data stored for the event |
Filter expects a body that results in a boolean expression, and it will exclude events where the expression returns false.
filter boolean_expr [and|or ...]*
Multiple piped filter functions will act as AND operations.
filter controller_name::str == "StripeController" and duration::float > 2000
| filter action_name::str == "hook"
Limit the number of results returned by the query.
limit integer [by expr[, ...]*]
Include a by
clause to limit the number of results per group.
limit 10 by user_id::int
Pipe into limit
to restrict the final number of results returned by the query.
limit 5 by user_id::int
| limit 100
Use only
to restrict which fields are rendered in the results and in which order they will appear.
only expr [as alias][, ...]*
For example, if you want to filter on a particular field, but you don't want that field to appear in the results, you can use only
to select the fields you want to see:
fields a, b, c
| filter c > 2
| only b, a
Extract fields using regular expressions
parse expr /regex/
If your events have data that can be extracted using regular expressions, you can create fields from that data. The following example will extract "redis" from an event that has a field named "addon" that contains the value "redis-fitted-71581" and place it in a new field called "service". Both the "addon" and "service" fields will appear in the results.
fields addon::str
| parse addon /(?<service>[[:alpha:]]+)/
Order events based on fields.
sort expr [desc|asc][, ...]*
Sort is useful to order results by time, or when calculating stats:
fields email
| filter action::str == "Logged in"
| stats count() as count by email
| sort count
Aggregate event fields
stats agg_expr[, ...]* by [expr][, ...]*
The workhorse of Insights, stats
allows you to perform calculations on your data. You can count events, calculate averages, and more.
stats avg(response_time::float)
The by
clause allows you to group the results by one or more fields.
stats avg(response_time::float) by location::str
The unique
function filters out duplicate events based on the field(s) you specify.
unique field[, ...]
Expression Functions
Expression functions can be used in a variety of places, such as filtering data, creating fields, calculating aggregates, etc. They are used to compare fields, perform arithmetic, reformat data, and more.
Function | Description |
> |
< |
== |
!= |
<> |
<= |
>= |
between |
not between |
isNotNull |
isNull |
in |
Return true if field value is contained within the array of literal values. The field type must match value type in the array. |
not in |
Return true if field value is not contained within the array of literal values. The field type must match value type in the array. |
either |
Returns the first non-null value |
like |
Returns true when the search string matches Can use these metacharacters:
The string matcher is case sensitive |
not like |
Returns true when the search string does not match Can use these metacharacters:
The string matcher is case sensitive |
ilike |
Returns true when the search string matches Can use these metacharacters:
The matcher is case insensitive |
not ilike |
Returns true when the search string does not match Can use these metacharacters:
The matcher is case insensitive |
match |
Returns true when the regex matches The regex uses re2 regex syntax |
not match |
Returns true when the regex does not match The regex uses re2 regex syntax |
Array macros
Function | Description |
any |
Return true if any conditional logic within the arguments results in a true value. Effectively, we run the logic in the function argument through each array item, and if one matches, then we return true. A function body without an expanded array is considered invalid. |
all |
Return true if all conditional logic within the arguments results in a true value. Effectively, we run the logic in the function argument through each array item, and if they all match, then we return true. A function body without an expanded array is considered invalid |
Function | Description |
and |
not |
or |
if |
Single path conditional branching |
cond |
Multiple path conditional branching The |
Function | Description |
+ |
- |
/ |
% |
* |
abs |
pow |
log |
log2 |
log10 |
round |
floor |
ceil |
exp |
Function | Description |
toInt |
toFloat |
toString |
toDate |
toDateTime |
toUnix |
Function | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
now |
toTimezone |
Convert datetimes to a specific timezone. Note: This does not explicitly embed the timezone into the datetime, but updates the type to reflect the selected timezone (tzdatetime). |
toYear |
toHour |
Returns the 24-hour number (0-23) for the supplied datetime. |
toDay |
Returns the day of month (1-31) for the supplied datetime. |
toDayOfWeek |
Returns the number of the day in a week (1-7, 1 = monday) for the supplied datetime. |
formatDate |
Render date from format string. Date tokens
Time tokens
Other tokens
bin |
toStartOf |
toEndOf |
Function | Description |
urlParameter |
Parse out value from valid URL query string |
urlPath |
Extracts the path from a URL. Example: |
urlDomain |
Extracts the hostname from a URL. |
Function | Description |
json |
Extract a value from JSON string. The result will be null if the path does not evalutate to a value, meaning arrays and objects are not valid targets. NOTE: While this is something we support, we encourage that you merge any JSON data into your event |
Function | Description |
trim |
concat |
lowercase |
uppercase |
substring |
length |
replace |
Replace all matches of a substring or regex pattern with another string. |
replaceFirst |
Replace the first match of a substring or regex pattern with another string. |
startsWith |
toHumanString |
Transform quantities into human readable friendly formats. |
Function | Description |
count |
Return the total counts of all results. The count can be affected by supplying a boolean expression argument. If given a field, it will implicitly count non-null occurrences. |
percentile |
Calculate the percentile. This is an approximated result. |
unique |
Count all unique values |
min |
max |
sum |
avg |
first |
Returns the first encountered value. Results could be random if the source is not sorted. |
last |
Returns the last encountered value. Results could be random if the source is not sorted. |
apdex |
Returns the Application Performance Index (Apdex) score, which measures user satisfaction with response time. |
Example queries and use cases
Find N+1 queries in your Rails app:
filter event_type::str == "sql.active_record"
| stats count() as queryCt, sum(duration::float) by request_id::str, query::str
| sort queryCt desc
What events are consuming my Insights quota?
Be sure to deselect the Internal Stream so you only see the data you are sending:
stats sum(@size) as size by event_type::str
| sort size
| only toHumanString(size, "bytes"), event_type