Honeybadger for Ruby

Hi there! You've found Honeybadger's docs on Ruby exception tracking. In this guide we're going to discuss the honeybadger Ruby gem and how to use it to track exceptions in your Ruby applications. If you're new to Honeybadger, we recommend taking a moment to read through. This guide is also your reference for how to use the gem in the future, so bookmark it.

For a refresher on working with exceptions in Ruby, check out the Honeybadger guide to Ruby exceptions.

Getting Started

Getting started is easy! First, see our installation and configuration guide for instructions on adding Honeybadger to your app in less than 3 minutes.

Next steps:

Getting Support

If you're having trouble working with the gem (such as you aren't receiving error reports when you should be):

  1. Read Frequently asked questions
  2. Upgrade to the latest gem version if possible (you can find a list of bugfixes and other changes in the CHANGELOG)
  3. Run through our Troubleshooting guide

For all other problems, contact support for help: support@honeybadger.io

If your issue is gem-related, here are a few items you can send us which will make it easier to spot the problem:

  • Run bundle exec honeybadger test --file=honeybadger_test.txt from the server having the problem and attach the generated honeybadger_test.txt file
  • Run bundle exec rake middleware from the server having the problem and attach the output as plaintext
  • Attach your config/honeybadger.yml file
  • Attach your Gemfile.lock file