Honeybadger CLI Reference

The Honeybadger CLI provides a Command Line Interface for various Honeybadger-related programs and utilities. All features are available through the honeybadger command and can be used independently of Bundler/Rails.

When using the honeybadger gem with Bundler, run bundle exec honeybadger.

To use outside of bundler, install the Honeybadger gem with gem install honeybadger and then run honeybadger.


The following commands are available through the honeybadger CLI:

Command Description
honeybadger deploy Notify Honeybadger of deployment
honeybadger exec Execute a command. If the exit status is not 0, report the result to Honeybadger
honeybadger help Describe available commands or one specific command
honeybadger heroku Manage Honeybadger on Heroku
honeybadger install Install Honeybadger into a new project
honeybadger notify Notify Honeybadger of an error
honeybadger test Send a test notification from Honeybadger

For additional info about each command, run honeybadger help.


The honeybadger command optionally reads configuration from the following locations. Each location in the list takes precedence over the previous location:

  1. ~/honeybadger.yml
  2. ./config/honeybadger.yml
  3. ./honeybadger.yml
  4. Rails/Ruby configuration (only when called from a Rails app root)
  5. Environment variables
  6. Command-line flags (i.e. --api-key)

The following configuration options are used by the CLI when applicable: api_key, env. See Configuration Options

All other options must be passed as command-line flags.

Rails Initialization

When run from the root of a Rails project, the honeybadger command will load the Rails environment so that any framework/programmatic configuration is picked up.