
Users with administrative privileges can find this integration below the list of personal alert integrations on the Alerts & Integrations tab of the Project Settings page.

1. Select the Campfire integration

campfire integration campfire form

2. Create a chatbot integration in Basecamp

You can configure chatbots under Basecamp[Your project]Chat... (click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the chat window to get the context menu).

campfire chatbot

To add a chatbot, click Configure chatbotsAdd a new chatbot, and type "Honeybadger" in the Name field.

campfire add chatbot

You can optionally upload an avatar (i.e. our logo). Leave Command URL blank.

3. Set the Chatbot URL in Honeybadger

After you create the chatbot in Basecamp, click on "Send line from this integration to Chat…" and copy/paste the URL in the example into the Chatbot URL field in Honeybadger.

campfire chatbot url

4. Save

That's it! You can test the integration by clicking "Test". Otherwise, just save it and you're ready to go.