Users with administrative privileges can find this integration below the list of personal alert integrations on the Alerts & Integrations tab of the Project Settings page.

1. Select the Google Hangouts Chat integration

google hangouts chat integration google hangouts chat form

2. Set the Webhook URL

You can get the Webhook URL by clicking the channel name where you want the notifications to appear in the Hangouts Chat UI:

Channel settings menu

Choosing the "Configure webhooks" option presents a popup that allows you to create a new webhook. You can enter Honeybadger for the name, and saving the webhook generates the webhook URL:

Webhook popup

Choose the Copy icon to copy the URL to your clipboard, then enter that url in channel settings in the Honeybadger UI.

3. Save

That's it! You can test the integration by clicking "Test". Otherwise, just save it and you're ready to go.

Bonus Step

If you'd like to install our chat bot in Google Hangouts Chat, search for "Honeybadger" in the "Find people, rooms, bots" search box in the Chat UI. Adding our bot will in Chat will prompt you to authorize the bot's access to your Honeybadger account. Once you do that, you'll be able to work with your Honeybadger data from within Chat.