Rate Exceeded Event Payload
"event": "rate_exceeded",
"message": "[Testy McTestFace/production] ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError has occurred time(s) in the past ",
"project": {
"id": 123321,
"name": "Testy McTestFace",
"created_at": "2017-08-30T12:54:33.156695Z",
"disable_public_links": false,
"pivotal_project_id": null,
"asana_workspace_id": null,
"token": "zzz111",
"github_project": "spacely/testy-mctestface",
"environments": [
"id": 68210,
"project_id": 123321,
"name": "production",
"notifications": true,
"created_at": "2017-09-05T06:10:19.057794Z",
"updated_at": "2017-09-05T06:10:19.057794Z"
"id": 68074,
"project_id": 123321,
"name": "development",
"notifications": true,
"created_at": "2017-08-30T12:55:29.297392Z",
"updated_at": "2017-08-30T12:55:29.297392Z"
"owner": {
"id": 1,
"email": "ben@example.com",
"name": "Spacely Sprockets"
"last_notice_at": "2023-10-30T19:29:08.000000Z",
"earliest_notice_at": "2023-05-03T19:37:25.519130Z",
"unresolved_fault_count": 102,
"fault_count": 925,
"active": true,
"users": [
"id": 1,
"email": "ben@example.com",
"name": "Ben"
"id": 99,
"email": "george@example.com",
"name": "George Jetson"
"sites": [
"id": "c42c4c0a-6e3d-4303-9769-549ed2a5818e",
"active": true,
"last_checked_at": "2023-10-30T19:34:08.150725Z",
"name": "Heroku",
"state": "up",
"url": "https://example.com"
"team_id": 1
"fault": {
"project_id": 123321,
"klass": "ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError",
"component": "pages",
"action": "home",
"environment": "production",
"resolved": false,
"ignored": false,
"created_at": "2023-10-13T18:07:55.692256Z",
"comments_count": 0,
"message": "We could not find your database: d6ipl26lboesdi. Which can be found in the database configuration file located at config/database.yml.\n\nTo resolve this issue:\n\n- Did you create the database for this app, or delete it? You may need to create your database.\n- Has the database name changed? Check your database.yml config has the correct database name.\n\nTo create your database, run:\n\n bin/rails db:create",
"notices_count": 6,
"last_notice_at": "2023-10-13T18:08:10.000000Z",
"tags": [],
"id": 101337516,
"assignee": null,
"url": "https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/123321/faults/101337516",
"deploy": {
"environment": "production",
"revision": "0eaf61a9ec756be9f4bb511ad71b37baaa9b73ba",
"repository": "https://github.com/spacely/testy-mctestface",
"local_username": "ben@example.com",
"created_at": "2023-10-06T20:52:51.878336Z",
"changelog": [],
"url": "https://github.com/spacely/testy-mctestface/compare/d4f90c876adf4a108ebb9a6f47b5562b59578d97...0eaf61a9ec756be9f4bb511ad71b37baaa9b73ba"
"notice": {
"id": 1013375161697220500,
"environment": {},
"created_at": "2023-10-13T18:08:10.141219Z",
"message": null,
"token": "babe1d9d-67e3-4438-8c57-c544cea24ffb",
"fault_id": 101337516,
"request": {
"url": "https://example.com/",
"component": "pages",
"action": "home",
"params": {
"controller": "pages",
"action": "home"
"session": {},
"context": {}
"backtrace": [
"number": "81",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "rescue in new_client",
"source": {
"79": " rescue ::PG::Error => error\n",
"80": " if conn_params && conn_params[:dbname] && error.message.include?(conn_params[:dbname])\n",
"81": " raise ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError.db_error(conn_params[:dbname])\n",
"82": " elsif conn_params && conn_params[:user] && error.message.include?(conn_params[:user])\n",
"83": " raise ActiveRecord::DatabaseConnectionError.username_error(conn_params[:user])\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "77",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "new_client",
"source": {
"75": "\n",
"76": " class << self\n",
"77": " def new_client(conn_params)\n",
"78": " PG.connect(**conn_params)\n",
"79": " rescue ::PG::Error => error\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "37",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "postgresql_connection",
"source": {
"35": "\n",
"36": " ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.new(\n",
"37": " ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.new_client(conn_params),\n",
"38": " logger,\n",
"39": " conn_params,\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "656",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "public_send",
"source": {
"654": "\n",
"655": " def new_connection\n",
"656": " Base.public_send(db_config.adapter_method, db_config.configuration_hash).tap do |conn|\n",
"657": " conn.check_version\n",
"658": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "656",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "new_connection",
"source": {
"654": "\n",
"655": " def new_connection\n",
"656": " Base.public_send(db_config.adapter_method, db_config.configuration_hash).tap do |conn|\n",
"657": " conn.check_version\n",
"658": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "700",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "checkout_new_connection",
"source": {
"698": " def checkout_new_connection\n",
"699": " raise ConnectionNotEstablished unless @automatic_reconnect\n",
"700": " new_connection\n",
"701": " end\n",
"702": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "679",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "try_to_checkout_new_connection",
"source": {
"677": " # if successfully incremented @now_connecting establish new connection\n",
"678": " # outside of synchronized section\n",
"679": " conn = checkout_new_connection\n",
"680": " ensure\n",
"681": " synchronize do\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "640",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "acquire_connection",
"source": {
"638": " # and +try_to_checkout_new_connection+ we can piggyback on +synchronize+ sections\n",
"639": " # of the said methods and avoid an additional +synchronize+ overhead.\n",
"640": " if conn = @available.poll || try_to_checkout_new_connection\n",
"641": " conn\n",
"642": " else\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "341",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "checkout",
"source": {
"339": " # - ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError no connection can be obtained from the pool.\n",
"340": " def checkout(checkout_timeout = @checkout_timeout)\n",
"341": " checkout_and_verify(acquire_connection(checkout_timeout))\n",
"342": " end\n",
"343": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "181",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "connection",
"source": {
"179": " # held in a cache keyed by a thread.\n",
"180": " def connection\n",
"181": " @thread_cached_conns[connection_cache_key(current_thread)] ||= checkout\n",
"182": " end\n",
"183": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "211",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "retrieve_connection",
"source": {
"209": " end\n",
"210": "\n",
"211": " pool.connection\n",
"212": " end\n",
"213": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "313",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "retrieve_connection",
"source": {
"311": "\n",
"312": " def retrieve_connection\n",
"313": " connection_handler.retrieve_connection(connection_specification_name, role: current_role, shard: current_shard)\n",
"314": " end\n",
"315": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "280",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "connection",
"source": {
"278": " # to any of the specific Active Records.\n",
"279": " def connection\n",
"280": " retrieve_connection\n",
"281": " end\n",
"282": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "433",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "cached_find_by_statement",
"source": {
"431": "\n",
"432": " def cached_find_by_statement(key, &block) # :nodoc:\n",
"433": " cache = @find_by_statement_cache[connection.prepared_statements]\n",
"434": " cache.compute_if_absent(key) { StatementCache.create(connection, &block) }\n",
"435": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "317",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "find_by",
"source": {
"315": "\n",
"316": " keys = hash.keys\n",
"317": " statement = cached_find_by_statement(keys) { |params|\n",
"318": " wheres = keys.index_with { params.bind }\n",
"319": " where(wheres).limit(1)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "69",
"file": "[PROJECT_ROOT]/app/controllers/application_controller.rb",
"method": "check_redirect",
"source": {
"67": "\n",
"68": " def check_redirect\n",
"69": " return unless (redirect = Redirect.find_by(slug: request.path.sub(%r{^/}, \"\")))\n",
"70": " redirect_to redirect.url\n",
"71": " end\n"
"application_file": "app/controllers/application_controller.rb",
"context": "app"
"number": "400",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block in make_lambda",
"source": {
"398": " def make_lambda\n",
"399": " lambda do |target, value, &block|\n",
"400": " target.send(@method_name, &block)\n",
"401": " end\n",
"402": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "180",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block (2 levels) in halting_and_conditional",
"source": {
"178": "\n",
"179": " if !halted && user_conditions.all? { |c| c.call(target, value) }\n",
"180": " result_lambda = -> { user_callback.call target, value }\n",
"181": " env.halted = halted_lambda.call(target, result_lambda)\n",
"182": " if env.halted\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "34",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "block (2 levels) in <module:Callbacks>",
"source": {
"32": " included do\n",
"33": " define_callbacks :process_action,\n",
"34": " terminator: ->(controller, result_lambda) { result_lambda.call; controller.performed? },\n",
"35": " skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated: true\n",
"36": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "181",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block in halting_and_conditional",
"source": {
"179": " if !halted && user_conditions.all? { |c| c.call(target, value) }\n",
"180": " result_lambda = -> { user_callback.call target, value }\n",
"181": " env.halted = halted_lambda.call(target, result_lambda)\n",
"182": " if env.halted\n",
"183": " target.send :halted_callback_hook, filter, name\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "595",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block in invoke_before",
"source": {
"593": "\n",
"594": " def invoke_before(arg)\n",
"595": " @before.each { |b| b.call(arg) }\n",
"596": " end\n",
"597": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "595",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "each",
"source": {
"593": "\n",
"594": " def invoke_before(arg)\n",
"595": " @before.each { |b| b.call(arg) }\n",
"596": " end\n",
"597": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "595",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "invoke_before",
"source": {
"593": "\n",
"594": " def invoke_before(arg)\n",
"595": " @before.each { |b| b.call(arg) }\n",
"596": " end\n",
"597": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "106",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "run_callbacks",
"source": {
"104": " # Common case: no 'around' callbacks defined\n",
"105": " if next_sequence.final?\n",
"106": " next_sequence.invoke_before(env)\n",
"107": " env.value = !env.halted && (!block_given? || yield)\n",
"108": " next_sequence.invoke_after(env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "233",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"231": " # <tt>process_action</tt> callbacks around the normal behavior.\n",
"232": " def process_action(...)\n",
"233": " run_callbacks(:process_action) do\n",
"234": " super\n",
"235": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "23",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"21": " private\n",
"22": " def process_action(*)\n",
"23": " super\n",
"24": " rescue Exception => exception\n",
"25": " request.env[\"action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions\"] ||= show_detailed_exceptions?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "67",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "block in process_action",
"source": {
"65": "\n",
"66": " ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(\"process_action.action_controller\", raw_payload) do |payload|\n",
"67": " result = super\n",
"68": " payload[:response] = response\n",
"69": " payload[:status] = response.status\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "206",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block in instrument",
"source": {
"204": " def instrument(name, payload = {})\n",
"205": " if notifier.listening?(name)\n",
"206": " instrumenter.instrument(name, payload) { yield payload if block_given? }\n",
"207": " else\n",
"208": " yield payload if block_given?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "24",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "instrument",
"source": {
"22": " listeners_state = start name, payload\n",
"23": " begin\n",
"24": " yield payload if block_given?\n",
"25": " rescue Exception => e\n",
"26": " payload[:exception] = [e.class.name, e.message]\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "206",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "instrument",
"source": {
"204": " def instrument(name, payload = {})\n",
"205": " if notifier.listening?(name)\n",
"206": " instrumenter.instrument(name, payload) { yield payload if block_given? }\n",
"207": " else\n",
"208": " yield payload if block_given?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "66",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"64": " ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(\"start_processing.action_controller\", raw_payload)\n",
"65": "\n",
"66": " ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(\"process_action.action_controller\", raw_payload) do |payload|\n",
"67": " result = super\n",
"68": " payload[:response] = response\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "259",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"257": " def process_action(*)\n",
"258": " _perform_parameter_wrapping if _wrapper_enabled?\n",
"259": " super\n",
"260": " end\n",
"261": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "27",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activerecord-",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"25": " # and it won't be cleaned up by the method below.\n",
"26": " ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.reset_runtime\n",
"27": " super\n",
"28": " end\n",
"29": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "120",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/scout_apm-5.3.5/lib/scout_apm/instruments/action_controller_rails_3_rails4.rb",
"method": "process_action",
"source": {
"118": " req.start_layer( ScoutApm::Layer.new(\"Controller\", \"#{controller_path}/#{resolved_name}\") )\n",
"119": " begin\n",
"120": " super\n",
"121": " rescue\n",
"122": " req.error!\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "151",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "process",
"source": {
"149": " @_response_body = nil\n",
"150": "\n",
"151": " process_action(action_name, *args)\n",
"152": " end\n",
"153": " ruby2_keywords(:process)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "39",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionview-",
"method": "process",
"source": {
"37": " def process(...) # :nodoc:\n",
"38": " old_config, I18n.config = I18n.config, I18nProxy.new(I18n.config, lookup_context)\n",
"39": " super\n",
"40": " ensure\n",
"41": " I18n.config = old_config\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "188",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "dispatch",
"source": {
"186": " set_request!(request)\n",
"187": " set_response!(response)\n",
"188": " process(name)\n",
"189": " request.commit_flash\n",
"190": " to_a\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "251",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "dispatch",
"source": {
"249": " middleware_stack.build(name) { |env| new.dispatch(name, req, res) }.call req.env\n",
"250": " else\n",
"251": " new.dispatch(name, req, res)\n",
"252": " end\n",
"253": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "49",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "dispatch",
"source": {
"47": "\n",
"48": " def dispatch(controller, action, req, res)\n",
"49": " controller.dispatch(action, req, res)\n",
"50": " end\n",
"51": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "32",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "serve",
"source": {
"30": " controller = controller req\n",
"31": " res = controller.make_response! req\n",
"32": " dispatch(controller, params[:action], req, res)\n",
"33": " rescue ActionController::RoutingError\n",
"34": " if @raise_on_name_error\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "50",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "block in serve",
"source": {
"48": " req.path_parameters = tmp_params\n",
"49": "\n",
"50": " status, headers, body = route.app.serve(req)\n",
"51": "\n",
"52": " if \"pass\" == headers[\"X-Cascade\"]\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "32",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "each",
"source": {
"30": "\n",
"31": " def serve(req)\n",
"32": " find_routes(req).each do |match, parameters, route|\n",
"33": " set_params = req.path_parameters\n",
"34": " path_info = req.path_info\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "32",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "serve",
"source": {
"30": "\n",
"31": " def serve(req)\n",
"32": " find_routes(req).each do |match, parameters, route|\n",
"33": " set_params = req.path_parameters\n",
"34": " path_info = req.path_info\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "852",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"850": " req = make_request(env)\n",
"851": " req.path_info = Journey::Router::Utils.normalize_path(req.path_info)\n",
"852": " @router.serve(req)\n",
"853": " end\n",
"854": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "29",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/scout_apm-5.3.5/lib/scout_apm/instruments/rails_router.rb",
"method": "call_with_scout_instruments",
"source": {
"27": "\n",
"28": " begin\n",
"29": " call_without_scout_instruments(*args)\n",
"30": " ensure\n",
"31": " req.stop_layer\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "17",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/scout_apm-5.3.5/lib/scout_apm/middleware.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"15": " def call(env)\n",
"16": " if !@enabled || @started || @attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS\n",
"17": " @app.call(env)\n",
"18": " else\n",
"19": " attempt_to_start_agent\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "36",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/warden-1.2.9/lib/warden/manager.rb",
"method": "block in call",
"source": {
"34": " result = catch(:warden) do\n",
"35": " env['warden'].on_request\n",
"36": " @app.call(env)\n",
"37": " end\n",
"38": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "34",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/warden-1.2.9/lib/warden/manager.rb",
"method": "catch",
"source": {
"32": "\n",
"33": " env['warden'] = Proxy.new(env, self)\n",
"34": " result = catch(:warden) do\n",
"35": " env['warden'].on_request\n",
"36": " @app.call(env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "34",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/warden-1.2.9/lib/warden/manager.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"32": "\n",
"33": " env['warden'] = Proxy.new(env, self)\n",
"34": " result = catch(:warden) do\n",
"35": " env['warden'].on_request\n",
"36": " @app.call(env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "15",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/tempfile_reaper.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"13": " def call(env)\n",
"14": " env[RACK_TEMPFILES] ||= []\n",
"15": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"16": " body_proxy = BodyProxy.new(body) do\n",
"17": " env[RACK_TEMPFILES].each(&:close!) unless env[RACK_TEMPFILES].nil?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "27",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/conditional_get.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"25": " case env[REQUEST_METHOD]\n",
"26": " when \"GET\", \"HEAD\"\n",
"27": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"28": " headers = Utils::HeaderHash[headers]\n",
"29": " if status == 200 && fresh?(env, headers)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "12",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/head.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"10": "\n",
"11": " def call(env)\n",
"12": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"13": "\n",
"14": " if env[REQUEST_METHOD] == HEAD\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "38",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"36": " def call(env)\n",
"37": " request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)\n",
"38": " _, headers, _ = response = @app.call(env)\n",
"39": "\n",
"40": " return response unless html_response?(headers)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "36",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"34": " def call(env)\n",
"35": " request = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"36": " status, headers, _ = response = @app.call(env)\n",
"37": "\n",
"38": " # Returning CSP headers with a 304 Not Modified is harmful, since nonces in the new\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "266",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb",
"method": "context",
"source": {
"264": " req = make_request env\n",
"265": " prepare_session(req)\n",
"266": " status, headers, body = app.call(req.env)\n",
"267": " res = Rack::Response::Raw.new status, headers\n",
"268": " commit_session(req, res)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "260",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"258": "\n",
"259": " def call(env)\n",
"260": " context(env)\n",
"261": " end\n",
"262": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "704",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"702": " request = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"703": "\n",
"704": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"705": "\n",
"706": " if request.have_cookie_jar?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "27",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "block in call",
"source": {
"25": " error = nil\n",
"26": " result = run_callbacks :call do\n",
"27": " @app.call(env)\n",
"28": " rescue => error\n",
"29": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "99",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "run_callbacks",
"source": {
"97": "\n",
"98": " if callbacks.empty?\n",
"99": " yield if block_given?\n",
"100": " else\n",
"101": " env = Filters::Environment.new(self, false, nil)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "26",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"24": " def call(env)\n",
"25": " error = nil\n",
"26": " result = run_callbacks :call do\n",
"27": " @app.call(env)\n",
"28": " rescue => error\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "28",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"26": " def call(env)\n",
"27": " request = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"28": " _, headers, body = response = @app.call(env)\n",
"29": "\n",
"30": " if headers[\"X-Cascade\"] == \"pass\"\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "29",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"27": " def call(env)\n",
"28": " request = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"29": " @app.call(env)\n",
"30": " rescue Exception => exception\n",
"31": " if request.show_exceptions?\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "18",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/lograge-0.12.0/lib/lograge/rails_ext/rack/logger.rb",
"method": "call_app",
"source": {
"16": " def call_app(*args)\n",
"17": " env = args.last\n",
"18": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"19": " # needs to have same return type as the Rails builtins being overridden, see https://github.com/roidrage/lograge/pull/333\n",
"20": " # https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/be9d34b9bcb448b265114ebc28bef1a5b5e4c272/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb#L37\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "25",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-",
"method": "block in call",
"source": {
"23": "\n",
"24": " if logger.respond_to?(:tagged)\n",
"25": " logger.tagged(compute_tags(request)) { call_app(request, env) }\n",
"26": " else\n",
"27": " call_app(request, env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "99",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "block in tagged",
"source": {
"97": " def tagged(*tags)\n",
"98": " if block_given?\n",
"99": " formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self }\n",
"100": " else\n",
"101": " logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(self)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "37",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "tagged",
"source": {
"35": " def tagged(*tags)\n",
"36": " new_tags = push_tags(*tags)\n",
"37": " yield self\n",
"38": " ensure\n",
"39": " pop_tags(new_tags.size)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "99",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "tagged",
"source": {
"97": " def tagged(*tags)\n",
"98": " if block_given?\n",
"99": " formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self }\n",
"100": " else\n",
"101": " logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(self)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "25",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"23": "\n",
"24": " if logger.respond_to?(:tagged)\n",
"25": " logger.tagged(compute_tags(request)) { call_app(request, env) }\n",
"26": " else\n",
"27": " call_app(request, env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "93",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"91": " req = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"92": " req.remote_ip = GetIp.new(req, check_ip, proxies)\n",
"93": " @app.call(req.env)\n",
"94": " end\n",
"95": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "19",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/request_store-1.5.1/lib/request_store/middleware.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"17": " RequestStore.begin!\r\n",
"18": "\r\n",
"19": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\r\n",
"20": "\r\n",
"21": " body = Rack::BodyProxy.new(body) do\r\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "26",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"24": " req = ActionDispatch::Request.new env\n",
"25": " req.request_id = make_request_id(req.headers[@header])\n",
"26": " @app.call(env).tap { |_status, headers, _body| headers[@header] = req.request_id }\n",
"27": " end\n",
"28": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "24",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/method_override.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"22": " end\n",
"23": "\n",
"24": " @app.call(env)\n",
"25": " end\n",
"26": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "22",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/runtime.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"20": " def call(env)\n",
"21": " start_time = Utils.clock_time\n",
"22": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"23": " headers = Utils::HeaderHash[headers]\n",
"24": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "148",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-timeout-0.6.3/lib/rack/timeout/core.rb",
"method": "block in call",
"source": {
"146": "\n",
"147": " response = timeout.timeout(info.timeout) do # perform request with timeout\n",
"148": " begin @app.call(env) # boom, send request down the middleware chain\n",
"149": " rescue RequestTimeoutException => e # will actually hardly ever get to this point because frameworks tend to catch this. see README for more\n",
"150": " raise RequestTimeoutError.new(env), e.message, e.backtrace # but in case it does get here, re-raise RequestTimeoutException as RequestTimeoutError\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "19",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-timeout-0.6.3/lib/rack/timeout/support/timeout.rb",
"method": "timeout",
"source": {
"17": " thr = Thread.current # reference to current thread to be used in timeout thread\n",
"18": " job = @scheduler.run_in(secs) { @on_timeout.call thr } # schedule this thread to be timed out; should get cancelled if block completes on time\n",
"19": " return block.call # do what you gotta do\n",
"20": " ensure #\n",
"21": " job.cancel! if job # cancel the scheduled timeout job; if the block completed on time, this\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "147",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-timeout-0.6.3/lib/rack/timeout/core.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"145": " end\n",
"146": "\n",
"147": " response = timeout.timeout(info.timeout) do # perform request with timeout\n",
"148": " begin @app.call(env) # boom, send request down the middleware chain\n",
"149": " rescue RequestTimeoutException => e # will actually hardly ever get to this point because frameworks tend to catch this. see README for more\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "41",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/judoscale-ruby-1.4.1/lib/judoscale/request_middleware.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"39": " end\n",
"40": "\n",
"41": " @app.call(env)\n",
"42": " end\n",
"43": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "29",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/activesupport-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"27": " def call(env)\n",
"28": " LocalCacheRegistry.set_cache_for(local_cache_key, LocalStore.new)\n",
"29": " response = @app.call(env)\n",
"30": " response[2] = ::Rack::BodyProxy.new(response[2]) do\n",
"31": " LocalCacheRegistry.set_cache_for(local_cache_key, nil)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "24",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-rewrite-1.5.1/lib/rack/rewrite.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"22": " return rack_response unless rack_response === true\n",
"23": " end\n",
"24": " @app.call(env)\n",
"25": " end\n",
"26": " \n"
"context": "all"
"number": "14",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"12": " state = @executor.run!(reset: true)\n",
"13": " begin\n",
"14": " response = @app.call(env)\n",
"15": " returned = response << ::Rack::BodyProxy.new(response.pop) { state.complete! }\n",
"16": " rescue => error\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "23",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"21": "\n",
"22": " def call(env)\n",
"23": " @file_handler.attempt(env) || @app.call(env)\n",
"24": " end\n",
"25": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "110",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/rack-2.2.8/lib/rack/sendfile.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"108": "\n",
"109": " def call(env)\n",
"110": " status, headers, body = @app.call(env)\n",
"111": " if body.respond_to?(:to_path)\n",
"112": " case type = variation(env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "77",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"75": "\n",
"76": " if request.ssl?\n",
"77": " @app.call(env).tap do |status, headers, body|\n",
"78": " set_hsts_header! headers\n",
"79": " flag_cookies_as_secure! headers if @secure_cookies && !@exclude.call(request)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "131",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/actionpack-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"129": "\n",
"130": " def call(env)\n",
"131": " return @app.call(env) if @permissions.empty?\n",
"132": "\n",
"133": " request = Request.new(env)\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "58",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/scout_apm-5.3.5/lib/scout_apm/instruments/middleware_summary.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"56": " layer = ScoutApm::Layer.new(\"Middleware\", \"Summary\")\n",
"57": " req.start_layer(layer)\n",
"58": " @app.call(env)\n",
"59": " ensure\n",
"60": " req.stop_layer\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "530",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"528": " def call(env)\n",
"529": " req = build_request env\n",
"530": " app.call req.env\n",
"531": " end\n",
"532": "\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "270",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/configuration.rb",
"method": "call",
"source": {
"268": " def call(env)\n",
"269": " env[Const::PUMA_CONFIG] = @config\n",
"270": " @app.call(env)\n",
"271": " end\n",
"272": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "100",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/request.rb",
"method": "block in handle_request",
"source": {
"98": " if @supported_http_methods == :any || @supported_http_methods.key?(env[REQUEST_METHOD])\n",
"99": " status, headers, app_body = @thread_pool.with_force_shutdown do\n",
"100": " @app.call(env)\n",
"101": " end\n",
"102": " else\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "344",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb",
"method": "with_force_shutdown",
"source": {
"342": " t[:with_force_shutdown] = true\n",
"343": " end\n",
"344": " yield\n",
"345": " ensure\n",
"346": " t[:with_force_shutdown] = false\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "99",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/request.rb",
"method": "handle_request",
"source": {
"97": " begin\n",
"98": " if @supported_http_methods == :any || @supported_http_methods.key?(env[REQUEST_METHOD])\n",
"99": " status, headers, app_body = @thread_pool.with_force_shutdown do\n",
"100": " @app.call(env)\n",
"101": " end\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "443",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/server.rb",
"method": "process_client",
"source": {
"441": " while true\n",
"442": " @requests_count += 1\n",
"443": " case handle_request(client, requests + 1)\n",
"444": " when false\n",
"445": " break\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "245",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/server.rb",
"method": "block in run",
"source": {
"243": " @status = :run\n",
"244": "\n",
"245": " @thread_pool = ThreadPool.new(thread_name, @options) { |client| process_client client }\n",
"246": "\n",
"247": " if @queue_requests\n"
"context": "all"
"number": "151",
"file": "[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-6.3.1/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb",
"method": "block in spawn_thread",
"source": {
"149": "\n",
"150": " begin\n",
"151": " @out_of_band_pending = true if block.call(work)\n",
"152": " rescue Exception => e\n",
"153": " STDERR.puts \"Error reached top of thread-pool: #{e.message} (#{e.class})\"\n"
"context": "all"
"application_trace": [
"number": "69",
"file": "[PROJECT_ROOT]/app/controllers/application_controller.rb",
"method": "check_redirect",
"source": {
"67": "\n",
"68": " def check_redirect\n",
"69": " return unless (redirect = Redirect.find_by(slug: request.path.sub(%r{^/}, \"\")))\n",
"70": " redirect_to redirect.url\n",
"71": " end\n"
"application_file": "app/controllers/application_controller.rb",
"context": "app"
"web_environment": {
"SERVER_SOFTWARE": "puma 6.3.1 Mugi No Toki Itaru",
"HTTP_HOST": "example.com",
"HTTP_USER_AGENT": "Amazon CloudFront",
"HTTP_X_AMZ_CF_ID": "yai2eezeewaipahthieN-Yt3y0gAunRuwBHH8A==",
"HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH": "W/\"fde6ca645252fa81edfdae38dbeef178\"",
"HTTP_ACCEPT": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7",
"HTTP_VIA": "2.0 yai2eezeewaipahthieN.cloudfront.net (CloudFront), 1.1 vegur",
"HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE": "Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:51:58 GMT",
"HTTP_SEC_CH_UA": "\"Google Chrome\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"117\"",
"HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM": "\"Windows\"",
"HTTP_SEC_PURPOSE": "prefetch;prerender",
"HTTP_PURPOSE": "prefetch",
"HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE": "navigate",
"HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST": "document",
"HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID": "fb536bf3-76d0-4936-a354-2a3d023b2cf4",
"HTTP_X_REQUEST_START": "1697220489932",
"SERVER_NAME": "example.com",
"SERVER_PORT": "443",
"deploy": {
"environment": "production",
"revision": "0eaf61a9ec756be9f4bb511ad71b37baaa9b73ba",
"repository": "https://github.com/spacely/testy-mctestface",
"local_username": "ben@example.com",
"created_at": "2023-10-06T20:52:51.878336Z",
"changelog": [],
"url": "https://github.com/spacely/testy-mctestface/compare/d4f90c876adf4a108ebb9a6f47b5562b59578d97...0eaf61a9ec756be9f4bb511ad71b37baaa9b73ba"
"url": "https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/123321/faults/101337516/01HCN3JWWXRQX511BB83WM2X95"