Stimulus Error & Exception Tracking
Typical installation time: 5 minutes
Hi there! You've found Honeybadger's guide to Stimulus error and exception tracking. Once installed, Honeybadger will automatically report errors from your Stimulus application.
First, install honeybadger.js:
# npm
npm add @honeybadger-io/js --save
# yarn
yarn add @honeybadger-io/js
Then, configure Stimulus to report errors to Honeybadger:
// In a Rails app this code typically resides in app/javascript/packs/application.js
// In a non-Rails app, usually src/application.js
// Import honeybadger.js
import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import * as Honeybadger from '@honeybadger-io/js'
// Configure honeybadger.js
apiKey: 'Your project API key',
environment: 'production',
revision: 'git SHA/project version'
// Start Stimulus application
const application = Application.start()
// Set up error handler
application.handleError = (error, message, detail) => {
console.warn(message, detail)
// Perform your other Stimulus setup here
Note: Errors that happen in development and test environments are not reported by default. To always report errors or to change the defaults, see Environments and Versions.
Reporting errors
Honeybadger also reports all uncaught exceptions outside of Stimulus
controllers using our window.onerror
handler. To disable uncaught error
Honeybadger.configure({ enableUncaught: false })
You can also manually notify Honeybadger of errors and other events in your application code:
try {
// ...error producing code...
} catch(error) {
See the Reporting Errors How-to Guide for more info.
Identifying users
Honeybadger can track what users have encountered each error. To identify the
current user in error reports, add a user identifier and/or email address with
user_id: 123,
user_email: ''
Tracking deploys
As with vanilla JavaScript applications, you can notify Honeybadger when you've deployed a new build. Honeybadger will associate an error report with a specific revision number (matching the 'revision' field in your honeybadger.js configuration).
Here's a simple curl
script to record a deployment:
HONEYBADGER_ENV="production" \
HONEYBADGER_REVISION="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
HONEYBADGER_REPOSITORY="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \
HONEYBADGER_API_KEY="Your project API key" \
&& curl -g "[environment]=$HONEYBADGER_ENV&deploy[local_username]=$USER&deploy[revision]=$HONEYBADGER_REVISION&deploy[repository]=$HONEYBADGER_REPOSITORY&api_key=$HONEYBADGER_API_KEY"
Be sure that the same revision is also configured in the honeybadger.js library. Read more about deploy tracking in the API docs.
Tracking Deploys from Netlify
If you are deploying your site to Netlify, you can notify Honeybadger of
deployments via Netlify's webhooks. Go to the Deploy notifications
section of the Build & deploy tab for your site settings, and choose
to add an Outgoing webhook notification. Choose Deploy succeeded
the event to listen for, and use this format for your URL:
The environment that will be reported to Honeybadger defaults to the
Netlify environment that was deployed, but you can override that with
in the webhook URL, if you like.
Source map support
Honeybadger can automatically un-minify your code if you provide a source map along with your minified JavaScript files. See our Source Map Guide for details.
Collect User Feedback
When an error occurs, a form can be shown to gather feedback from your users. Read more about this feature here.