Tracking Deployments

Honeybadger has an API to keep track of project deployments. Whenever you deploy, all errors for that environment will be resolved automatically. You can choose to enable or disable the auto-resolve feature from your Honeybadger project settings page.

Deploying with GitHub Actions

If your CI/CD pipeline is hosted with GitHub Actions, you can use the Honeybadger Deploy Action to notify our API about deployments.

Capistrano Deployment Tracking

In order to track deployments using Capistrano, simply require Honeybadger's Capistrano task in your Capfile file:

require "capistrano/honeybadger"

If you ran the honeybadger install command in a project that was previously configured with Capistrano, we already added this for you.

Adding options to your  config/deploy.rb file allows you to customize how the deploy task is executed. The syntax for setting them looks like this:

set :honeybadger_env, "preprod"

You can use any of the following options when configuring capistrano.

honeybadger_user Honeybadger will report the name of the local user who is deploying (using whoami or equivalent). Use this option to to report a different user.
honeybadger_env Honeybadger reports the environment supplied by capistrano by default. Use this option to change the reported environment.
honeybadger_api_key Honeybadger uses your configured API key by default. Use this option to override.
honeybadger_async_notify Run deploy notification task asynchronously using nohup. True or False. Defaults to false.
honeybadger_server The api endpoint that receives the deployment notification.
honeybadger The name of the honeybadger executable. Default: "honeybadger"
honeybadger_skip_rails_load Skip loading the Rails environment during deploy notification.

Heroku Deployment Tracking

Deploy tracking via Heroku is implemented using Heroku's app webhooks. To set up the webhook, run the following CLI command from your project root:

bundle exec honeybadger heroku install_deploy_notification

If the honeybadger CLI command fails for whatever reason, you can add the deploy hook manually by running:

heroku webhooks:add -i api:release -l notify -u "" --app app-name

If you are using our EU stack, you should use instead of in the webhook URL.

For more about manual use of Heroku deploy tracking, see the Heroku Deployments guide.

You should replace the repository, api_key, and app options with your own values. You may also want to change the environment (set to production by default).

Deployment Tracking via Command Line

We provide a CLI command to send deployment notifications manually. Try the following command for the available options:

bundle exec honeybadger help deploy

Ruby Deployment Tracking

You can also track a deployment from the honeybadger Ruby gem with Honeybadger.track_deployment:

Honeybadger.track_deployment( environment: Rails.env, revision: `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip, local_username: `whoami`.strip, repository: "" )